On November 22, 2023, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry announced the church's key policy priorities as they plan to send 21 delegates to the the 28th session of the Conference of Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (also known as COP28).
During the COP28 negotiations, the delegation will urge parties and all stakeholders to embrace these priorities:
Accelerate ambition
Increase support for communities experiencing loss and damage
Protect human rights and affirm environmental justice in address adaption and mitigation
Fulfill climate finance commitments and strengthen mechanisms
The announcement also highlighted the key environmental initiatives that continue within The Episcopal Church:
Encourages a Covenant for the Care of Creation.
Encouraging households and congregations are measuring their carbon footprint via the church-sponsored Carbon Tracker.
Working towards church-wide goals for achieving net carbon neutrality by 2030.
Supporting rainforest protection in the Amazon and the Anglican Communion Forest initiative.
Planting “Good News Gardens” and partnering locally to improve access to fresh, affordable food.
Enacting churchwide resolutions and policies on climate, environment, and sustainable development.
Partnering with the United Nations, UNFCCC, and UNEP as an observer.
Participating annually at COPs since COP21 and the Paris Agreement.
Collaborating with ecumenical, interfaith, and civil society partners.
Accelerating ambition targets.
Supporting the Green Climate Fund.
Promoting adaptation and mitigation.
Helping people face Loss and Damage.
Standing with communities at risk.
The Episcopal Church will post updates throughout the conference on their website here.